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High-quality Bleachers and Grandstands

70 Seconds to High Quality Stands
Durable, Comfortable, and Owner-Friendly

At SAAFE, LLC we are experts in designing and installing bleachers and grandstands for all venues.  We serve all of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota. 


Our Services



We design and install bleachers for all sporting and viewing needs. The design criteria are to maintain a budget while providing the highest level of quality and comfort. 


We design and build grandstands for all viewing needs.  Our designs are customized for the venue, whether it is football, baseball, soccer, track, aquatic, fairs, or rodeo. 


Viewing and Practical Uses

Gymnasium Seating

Press Boxes

Stadium Seating

Our bleachers and grandstands have a number of practical uses. They can be used as comfortable, clean, and high-capacity seating for a variety of events. This includes sports games, matches, competitions, and meets. However, bleachers and grandstands may also serve as seating for events that are not sports-related. Concerts, presentations, ceremonies, graduations, and more are all events where a lot of people need to be seated in an area. Our bleachers and grandstands are a great solution to seating needs for schools, arenas, sports teams, and others.


When SAAFE coordinates its efforts with you as an owner, architect, or engineer, the result is a high-quality viewing venue that provides the community with a comfortable and safe seat within budget.  Contact us today at 866-679-0865. 

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Contact Us

© 2024 by SAAFE, LLC.

8511 Xylon Ave. N.
Brooklyn Park, MN 55445

Frequently Asked Questions

What brands do you sell? 


The two primary manufacturers that we represent are the following: 


INTERKAL – The leading manufacturer of telescopic bleachers in the United States.  Besides telescopic bleachers, the line includes platform chairs and stadium chairs.  Interkal’s product is built to last. 

SOUTHERN BLEACHER COMPANY – The largest and highest quality manufacturer of grandstands in the USA.  If you need aluminum seating in any size or shape, Southern Bleacher Company, and SAAFE, LLC can make it happen from the ground up. 


Why should I choose SAAFE, LLC?


Our company (the Home of Stadium Steve) has been the leading provider of bleachers and grandstands in Minnesota for over 40 years and in the Dakotas for nearly 20 years.  We represent the best manufacturers and will work with you to create the desired outcome.  We will work with your architect or engineer, or if this is a project that does not involve a design professional, we can provide an engineer or architect-designed and stamped drawings. 

Additionally, SAAFE, LLC is a contract provider for Cooperative Purchasing Connection (Contract #17.4-ALT).  This is a pre-bid contract that allows all schools, cities, governmental agencies, and non-profits to purchase bleachers and grandstands from SAAFE, LLC without going through its own bid process.  Please contact us for more information regarding the contract purchasing option. 


Do you provide press boxes? 


Yes, we can off-site custom fabricate press boxes and suite seating to meet your needs.


How does your process work?


You can contact our office and we will be happy to set up an appointment for a quote. We will gather all of the necessary information in order to provide you with the best quality service. We’ll assess your seating capacity needs, venue (indoor vs. outdoor), design needs, and timeline. We’ll work with you to get your bleachers or grandstands installed in a timely manner in a way that works best for you or your company, organization, or school.


What are the benefits of installing bleachers or grandstands?


Bleachers and grandstands offer a high degree of flexibility. They are suited for people of all shapes and sizes and can accommodate large groups of people for all of your needs. We can also install bleachers that are retractable and can give you the option of opening up more space in your venue. Bleachers are also very cost-effective as they don’t have defined seats and you can typically fit more people in the venue than with individual seats.

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